“The AquaInduct -profi-® 800 has been installed in the Vita Alpina since 2013. The pipes were very heavily calcified before commissioning. With the AquaInduct -profi-® 800, the stuck lime has loosened and no further deposits have formed. No further maintenance work was necessary.
We save heating energy through the installation. The AquaInduct -profi-® 800 has been completely maintenance-free since it was installed. ”
The treated water is used in the ice rink exclusively to refuel the ice machines for ice build-up. “
“Since the installation of the AquaInduct -profi-® 800, the water is“ denser ”(molecular structure), the flow rate has decreased. The water can therefore be processed better, which means that less water is used. Since there are no more air bubbles in the water, it freezes faster – this saves us energy and working time . The ice becomes harder, more compact and more stable.
We have less work and are really very satisfied.
The treated water is used in the ice rink exclusively to refuel the ice machines for ice build-up. “
We are very satisfied with the installation of this great invention. I have found that the water now has a positive effect on our entire body.
Since I work as a healer with the pineal gland, I noticed that the special water releases the calcification of our pineal gland and thus the body can form the melatonin hormone again and function properly.
Unsere Induktionsrohre sind DVGW, KTW and W270 zertifiziert.